Pi Shield Downloads

Behind the Shield

ShieldYou can download just about everything there is related to the Pi Shield project. We’ve provided links and details for source, binaries, documentation, and more.

Head over to Pi Shield Project Tracking to see what’s coming next, request features, and report bugs.

Latest Releases

Here Be Dragons: We have just ordered our 1.1.1 boards and have not fully tested them yet. You can see current details by following our Pi Shield blog.


PiShield_Hardware_1.1.1.tar SHA512 sum

Note: We have not started on the documentation or software but are preparing repositories for sharing.

Current Source
We are working on a 1.1.1 release. You can check our Pi Shield blog for the latest details.

Snapshot Milestoneโ˜ข: Ordering 1.1.1 pre-beta boards.

Latest sources are always available for download.

PiShield_master-2be1585_Documentation.tar SHA512 sum:
PiShield_develop-b22ccb9_Hardware.tar SHA512 sum:
PiShield_master-e08e4fc_Software.tar SHA512:

โ˜ข Please note, the tar files are snapshots at major milestones and may not reflect current state. For the latest developments, clone from our Git repositories.

Interested in a little archaeology? Wondering what kind of mistakes we made?

Our best lessons came from our mistakes and we would be remiss if we didn’t share them with you!


PiShield_1.0.0.tar SHA512 sum
PiShield_Hardware_1.1.0.tar SHA512 sum